Immigration, Personal injury, Child Custody, Disability or Substance Evaluations
I can assist individuals worried about their immigration issues through immigration evaluations for Asylum, Domestic Violence (VAWA), Cancellation of Removal, U-Visa, T-Visas, and Extreme Hardship waivers. I also provide substance abuse evaluations. I can work with your lawyer, paralegal, or any collateral resource to provide these evaluations. The psychological evaluations assess a person's attention, concentration, ability to learn new information, and memory, consisting of 15-20 pages demonstrating the psychological, physical, financial, spiritual, and emotional impact of separating families through deportation or country re-location. The substance abuse psychosocial evaluation assesses whether their potential substance abuse or dependence problem is interfering with their capacity to provide a sufficient and safe minimum level of care or function.
The evaluation includes:
initial interview
Test administration
Collateral interviews
Record reviews
Scoring and process test results
writing of final reports
feedback sessions to review report
Total time for completion is approximately 16 working days
Some evaluations require the identification of traumatic experiences. The following is a brief explanation of the different cases that can require and benefit from a psychological evaluation.
About us
The practice specializes in treating individuals, couples, and families, and through years of experience, I’m confident that no problem is too great to overcome.
Telehealth and Office hours:
By appointment only
Not open on holidays
A New Page Counseling, LLC
8647 Baypine Rd Ste. 206
Jacksonville, FL 32256
Office: (904) 490-6974
Fax: 1-866-489-5550